1. Complainant’s information:

If yes, please attach a copy of the representational authority signed by members of the community

2. Project Information

3. The Complaint:

Please explain the type of harm you believe the Bank supported project has caused you or is likely to cause you or your community.

4. Have you sought a resolution through the project grievance mechanism?

The GRS will process your personal data submitted in this form in accordance with the GRS Personal Data Privacy Notice. The GRS will not disclose any information that may reveal your identity without your consent.

You may also submit your complaint via email to grievances@worldbank.org, mail or hand delivery to the World Bank Headquarters or any World Bank Country Office. If you experience any difficulties in completing the form, please contact us at grievances@worldbank.org.

GRS contacts information:

The World Bank
Grievance Redress Service (GRS)
MSN MC 10-1018
1818 H St NW
Washington, DC 20433, USA

Email: grievances@worldbank.org